Monday, November 23, 2009


I just wanted to talk about a little project I did early in the year for ESRI's 2009 Developer Summit's Dev Challenge contest. At the time people were just starting to understand what Twitter was and how to use it. So I thought it would be a really neat way to use Twitter as an editing status feed on parcel data. It would tweet when someone edited the attributes of a parcel and include a link to the parcel that was edited. It would also tweet when a new user was created and when one returned.

Since ESRI's Javascript framework doesn't support attribute editing I separated the data from the features. I put the attribute data inside Google Spreadsheets, which I found out does not have a record limit.

The project is made up of 2 apps. The front end which consist of html, jQuery and ESRI's JSAPI Framework. Then the server side piece which I used ASP.NET MVC, TweetSharp library and Google's Spreedsheet API.

The project came together really well and took 2 weeks of late nights.

Here is a presentation I did on it


Source Code


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